amplify your love

a Playshop for Couples

3-hour virtual playshop

In this playshop (not workshop), you and your partner will be guided step by step through an experience that will teach you how to love each other, according to the way you each love to be loved most, so that you actually do feel loved.

Replay will be available

amplify your love

Regardless if you are dating, engaged, or married for decades, this playshop will amplify the love in your relationship. 

One thing that is often missing from relationships is an understanding of how each partner best gives and receives love.  For most of us, we love our partner the way that we want to be loved. However, it often falls short.  We feel like the love we give isn't appreciated and our partner feels like they aren't really seen, known or understood.

This often happens for both partners, so neither partner is feeling particularly loved, honored, cherished or appreciated. 

In this playshop, you won't just be talking, you'll also be doing.  You are going to learn a new way to communicate with your partner while also having fun creating real ways that you get to be loved on!


Now is 
your time

Stop guessing and start learning how to both give and receive love that will strengthen and nurture your relationship. 

These are the conversations we weren't told to have, and the skills we weren't taught, but when we go deeper, we create even more intimacy in our relationship.

This playshop isn't a one-and-done experience. You'll be able to easily take what you learned and use it over and over to amplify your love! 

I’m here to teach you how!

The intention of this playshop is to learn a way to nurture your relationship in a meaningful and playful way.  So often, working on our relationship feels just like that - work, so we avoid it.  Let's change that so that you can enjoy a strong, healthy, loving relationship that doesn't feel like work.


Here's a bit about what you can expect in this playshop:


get comfy

Think of this like a date.  Dress nice, but comfy. Set yourself up in a relaxed space.  Bring a beverage (an adult one is fine) and maybe a snack. 



You'll be guided step-by-step through the approximately 2-3 hour playshop.  After explanation and instruction is given, you and your partner will be muted (and have the option to turn off your video) and will go through that step of the playshop.  When time is up, we'll come back together as a group, answer any questions, share, and move onto the next step.  So, while this is a group playshop, the exercises are done privately. 


learning and laughter

While the exercises will be powerful, this isn't intended to be triggering or heavy.  The intention is that you'll experience lots of learning and laughter during this playshop. 



You'll walk away with not only new knowledge about each other, but with specific and tangible  ways to amplify your love for years and decades to come. 

if you're going to be in a relationship, shouldn't it be a Great one?! 

join me for a night to amplify your love


August 30, 2023

6:30 pm CST

live via Zoom (replay available)


What would I need to bring to the session?

I'll send more specifics in an email, but I would recommend a notebook and pen and your complete presence.  

What do I need to do to prepare?

I do recommend that both partners take the 5 Love Languages quiz and have your results with you.  You can take the quiz for free at 

It should only take 15 minutes or so.


Yes, if you have questions during the playshop, we can either message privately using the chat, or pop into a breakout room. 


We will meet via Zoom

Do I have to share in the group?

No, sharing isn't required, but encouraged.  There is great value to all when you share questions, awarenesses, and ideas.  We also learn that we aren't alone in our thoughts, feelings and experience, which is supportive for all. 


Yes, I do provide a recording of the workshop so that you have it for reference as it's a great tool to repeat periodically in your relationship.  

After this evening together, you'll experience...

More connection with your partner

clarity on what makes your partner feel loved (so you're not wasting your energy)

more love from your partner in a way that actually makes you feel loved

more playfulness and spontaneity

more intimacy - both physical & emtotional

coach & founder

Allison Orlovsky

After 2 divorces by the age of 35, I realized that there had to be a different way to do relationships/marriages.  I knew I wasn't the only one that struggled and suffered in my relationship (ahem - divorce statistics alone) and wanted to learn all that I could about what it took to create a great relationship. 

As I explored and experimented in creating my own great relationship, I realized there were lots of outdated ways of doing things that get in the way of creating our “happily ever after” and so I want to revolutionize the way we do relationships. Because hey, if we are going to be in one, shouldn't it be a GREAT one?!